2nd Global Meet on Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics (Optoelectronics-2022)

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2nd Global Meet on Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics (Optoelectronics 2022) will be held in Miami, USA on September 19-20, 2022. The conference will focus on the latest research in “Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics” and other related fields. It will provide a sharing experience, expanding professional network, face to face to show new ideas and research results of international communication platform, to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world.

In addition Optoelectronics 2022 is in order to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics and related areas, and to establish business or research contacts for participants and to find global partners for future. It provides a unique platform for all the leading professionals and will feature a plenary session, Keynote session, parallel topical sessions, and poster session, Mark your calendar today and plan to attend.

Come and be a part of this meeting….

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