One severe cyclonic storm ‘Yaas’ hit in Odisha,Wednesday. The process of landfall completed but rainfall will continue till tomorrow in the affected districts. Yaas has crossed the Odisha border south of Balasore and will reach Jharkhand . Cyclone caused heavy to extremely heavy rain fall in Odisha in the past 24 hours and Northern and Coastal parts of the
state. The cyclone estimated 120-140 km per hour wind speed made landfall around 9 A.M. on Wednesday between Dhamara and Balasore in Odisha. Deep depression over East central Bay of Bengal intensified into cyclone storm ‘Yaas’ and about 600 km of Port Blair.

After a long study Indian Meteorological Department find that cyclones come two times in a year that was pre monsoon & post monsoon. Pre monsoon it means at the time of May, June & July & the post monsoon i.e. October to December. In the month of May, 2021 two severe cyclone affected India. One in Arabian sea & another one is Bay of Bengal. Cyclone Tauktae hit southern Gujurat & Yaas hit the northern & coastal part of Odisha.

Name Date& year Category Hit area Origin place
Yaas 26 May, 2021 Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Hit northern & coastal area of Odisha Bay of Bengal

Tauktae 17 May, 2021 Very Severe Cyclonic
Storm Hit Southern Gujurat Aarbian sea
Amphan 20 May, 2020 Super Cyclone Hit West Bengal North Indian Ocean
Burevi 30 November
2020 Tropical storm Hit Sri Lanka But it affected Tamil Nadu & Kerala, India Indian Ocean
Nisarga 1 June, 2020 Strongest Tropical Cyclone Mumbai Arabian sea
Fani 26 April, 2019 Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm
Odisha, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, East India
North Indian Ocean
Vayu 26 April, 2019 Very Severe Cyclonic Storm
India, Pakistan, Maldives, oman, Lakshadweep Arabian sea

These are the nearest cyclonic storm which was affected India in various time. After that every year numbers of cyclonic storms are originated in the 3 ocean & affected the coastal states of India. General people are affected & economic conditions of various areas of our nation always destroyed due to cyclone.