International Summit on Catalyst and Chemistry

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Introducing the ground-breaking “International Summit on Catalyst and Chemistry” a transformative event set to unfold on June 19-20, 2024, This HYBRID EVENT allows you to participate In person at Tokyo, Japan, or Virtually from your home or workplace.
Embracing the captivating theme of “Adapting Chemistry with Innovations to Achieve Future Objectives,” this global summit will bring together esteemed visionaries and thought leaders from around the world.
For researchers, chemists, academics, industry pioneers, and professionals, the summit presents a unique opportunity to connect with influential figures, fostering collaborations in a world where networking knows no boundaries.
We eagerly anticipate your participation at ISCC 2024, an event that not only enhances your professional journey but also unlocks doors to upcoming opportunities, enriching your perspective with novel insights and a broader global outlook.

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